Descubra Malta

Explore os encantos de Malta, Itália, Portugal, Egito e Tunísia com a UBM Travel. Sinta-se em casa com nossos serviços turísticos personalizados.


Triq Mrabat Sliema Malta


Segunda a Sexta: 9:00h às 16h

Experiências Locais

Descubra destinos incríveis no Mediterrâneo com a especialista em turismo local.

green plant on brown clay pot on brown wooden table
green plant on brown clay pot on brown wooden table
white concrete building near body of water during daytime
white concrete building near body of water during daytime
white and brown concrete houses during daytime
white and brown concrete houses during daytime
a body of water with rocks and a cliff in the background
a body of water with rocks and a cliff in the background

Sobre Nós

A UBM Travel by Bruna Maier é uma Destination Management Company (DMC) sediada em Malta, especializada em destinos mediterrâneos como Itália, Portugal, Egito e Tunísia.

a person swimming in the ocean with a lot of fish
a person swimming in the ocean with a lot of fish



Experiência Local Excepcional

Equipe Capacitada